CIRFA seminar (2 November): Laust Færch and Henrik Fisser – Satellite Remote Sensing of Arctic Icebergs
Our PhD students Laust Færch and Henrik Fisser will share the stage and talk about their ongoing work with the detection of icebergs by SAR and optical satellite images. Icebergs…
CIRFA seminar (19 October): Øyvind Lundesgård – Sea ice draft from ULS moornings
Øyvind Lundesgård, Norwegian Polar Institute will talk about Sea ice draft in the northern Barents Sea: Multi-year local observations in a large-scale context Sea ice thickness remains a crucial but elusive…
Sea ice lecture for NASA
NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: SAR for Detecting and Monitoring Floods, Sea Ice, and Subsidence from Groundwater Extraction Malin Johansson from…
CIRFA seminar (5 October): Qiang Wang – Ice Mappging with Deep Learning
Qiang Wang, UiT The Arctic University of Norway will talk about Pixel-wise sea ice mapping with deep learning. Sentinel-1 HH,HV backscatter coefficient in (a) and (b) as well as our inference…
CIRFA seminar (28 September): Wolfgang Dierking – Multi-frequency multi-polarization SAR
An example of a multi-frequency composite image from F-SAR campaign in April 2019 over the first-year ice in Davis Strait, R-X, G-C, B-L, all VV-polarization. Wolfgang Dierking, UiT The Arctic…
2022 Annual Report available!
The CIRFA Annual Report for 2022 has been published last month and is now also available for your to download here. It was an exciting year! Thank you all who…
Congratulations Dr Eduard Khachatrian!
Today, Eduard Khatchatrian presented a trial lecture «SAR remote sensing – from image formation to applications» and then went on to successfully defend his PhD Thesis with a title: Multimodal…
CIRFA seminar (14 June): Physically-based approaches in deep learning
This time we invited Giampaolo Ferraioli, Associate Professor with Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy, to share with us his experience with non-Polar-related SAR and machine learning applications. Synthetic…
New paper: Eddies in the marginal ice zone
A new CIRFA paper has just been accepted, co-authors are our PhD student Eduard Khachatrian and a former CIRFA intern Pigi Lozou. Eddy Detection in the Marginal Ice Zone with…
To Singapore for the Arctic
The Advancing Knowledge of Methane in the Arctic (AKMA) project is a collaborative research project between UiT - The Arctic University of Norway and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in…