CIRFA at POLinSAR and Arctic Frontiers
Exciting week for CIRFA where our members are presenting their work both in Frascati, Italy at the POLinSAR conference, and at Arctic Frontiers held in Tromsø.
At POLinSAR two oral presentation will be held on Thursday the 26/1, by CIRFA PhD students Alberto Arienzo and Martine Espeseth. Arienzo and Espeseth will present their PhD work within WP3 in CIRFA.
Alberto Arienzo’s presentation is titled;
“Investigations of polarimetric surface scattering models for oceanic slick characterization”
A.Arienzo, T. Eltoft
Martine Espeseth’s presentation is titled;
“Real Hybrid-Polarity Versus Full-Polarimetric Sar Data For Sea Ice Observation”
M.M. Espeseth, C. Brekke, A.M. Johansson
Arctic Frontiers
At Arctic Frontiers CIRFA PostDoc Jean Negrel is having a poster presentation titled;
“In situ validation of Arctic sea ice classification based on remote sensing”
J. Negrel, S. Gerland, A.P. Doulgeris, A. Rösel, V. Akbari, J. Lohse, A.M. Johansson
CIRFA affiliated Katalin Blix is having a poster titled;
“Monitoring primary productivity through Chlophyll-a content estimation in the Arctic”
Katalin Blix and Torbjørn Eltoft
The posters will be presented between 15:00 and 17:30 on Thursday 26/1 so come and talk with us then.
CIRFA affiliate Malin Johansson will give an oral presentation on Friday 27/1.
“Sea ice lead identification using remote sensing”
A.M. Johansson, C. Brekke, G. Spreen