With our next CIRFA seminar we are continuing our series dedicated to the navigation in the ice covered seas.

Mikhail Itkin from the data center at Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) will present Vixed and IceDB, two tools for distributing near real time geophysical observations and sea ice time series.

Vixed is a system where users can plug in own data processors and receive products in the field. Vixed is written in Go, Python and uses QGIS as GUI client. It provides email based interface for unreliable connections and a REST API.

IceDB is an analytical database and a REST API for sea ice statistics around Svalbard. It is based on daily ice charts from Norwegian Ice Service and is updated whenever new charts are available.

The seminar will take place Thursday 2 March at 14:00 at CIRFA and online. If you would like to join online, but haven’t received the telecon link yet, contact Polona.