CIRFA welcomes you to a seminar where Edmond Hansen from Multiconsult in Tromsø will talk about innovation and application of remote sensing products, and Signe Aaboe from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute will talk about satellite-based sea ice products.

Date: Thursday 8 March 2018 at 14h00-15h00

Venue: CIRFA, SIVA Innovation Centre (Forskningsparken), Tromsø [map]


Innovation – application of CIRFA results as seen from the industry
Edmond Hansen, Multiconsult

There is a great demand for environmental data in the society. Any structure is designed according to a metocean design basis, i.e., the expected design level of factors such as wind, waves, currents, temperature, sea ice thickness and drift, and so on. Operations or activities are planned according to the distributions of such factors, i.e. the frequency of occurrence of certain levels, and the duration of events. Often there is a lack of environmental data. The engineers must then resort to numerical models, which generally have great uncertainties inherent in them. With the advent of a broad range of remote sensing techniques, more environmental data is becoming available to the engineers. In this presentation, typical needs for data are demonstrated. Focus is set on fields where little data is available, and remote sensing products are obvious data sources. Particular focus is set on CIRFA fields of activity.


Satellite-based sea ice products – near-real-time production towards climate data records
Signe AABOE – Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway

The EUMETSAT High Latitude Processing Center of Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is hosted by MET Norway and Danish DMI and has since 2002 provided near-real-time production, distribution and archiving of global sea surface products derived from operational available satellites. These products are used for weather and ocean models, for environmental studies, ocean monitoring etc. From passive microwave radiometry and scatterometer data are derived low/medium resolution sea ice products: concentration, edge, type, and drift. Whereas the OSI SAF is responsible for providing a fully operational service with focus on high quality and well validated products freely available for all users, the sea ice algorithms and production systems are further developed and improved through the programmes of OSI SAF as well as ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Ice project (SICCI) and the EU Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). One of the major recent outcomes is the consistent climate data records of sea ice concentration covering the period from 1979 until present. And soon to be followed are the consistent climate data records for sea ice edge, type and drift.

In this presentation I will present the status of our sea ice products and activities, as well as the ongoing development and upcoming products towards climate data records.

Welcome to all!

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