Multi-temporal remote sensing of dynamic Arctic phenomena
WP 2 co-leader and leader of UiT`s Earth Observation group
Determination of the Dielectric Properties of Marie Surface Slicks Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Radar polarimetry for sea ice applications
Edels work focuses on cean modelling and computational physics
Multimodal Integrated Remote Sensing for Arctic Sea Ice monitoring
Satellite laser and radar altimetry to study the physical properties of polar sea ice and oceans
Automated Classification of Sea Ice Types in SAR Imagery
Ocean color and water quality remote sensing
Ocean drift models and forecasts
Mapping and Modeling of Iceberg Occurrences in the Barents Sea
Using satellite images to study Arctic sea ice and oil spills
Drift modelling and prediction
Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to improve prediction of Polar Lows
Optical Remote Sensing for Water Quality Parameters Retrieval in the Barents Sea, Nansen Legacy project
Earth Observation with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Responsible for the daily operation of the Ice Service at MET Norway.
Sea ice deformation and its impact on the sea ice mass balance, SiDRIFT project
Sea ice classification with AI methods
Atmospheric circulation, climate dynamics and polar meteorology
Sea ice and climate research with focus on the Arctic (Fram Strait, Svalbard, Barents Sea)
The impact of observations in a high-resolution ocean assimilation system for the Norwegian coastal and shelf seas
Remote Sensing, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Neural Networks
Multi-frequency (C- and L-band) SAR sea ice classification
Oil Spill Remote Sensing and Modelling
Cross-platform application of a sea ice classification method for detecting deformed ice, SiDRIFT project
Professor II and WP 2 leader