Next week (from 28th January to 1st February 2019) the 9th International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry (POLinSAR 2019) is going on in ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. CIRFA will be contributing with presentations:

Day1: Monday 28 January

Session: Methods and Theoretical Modelling

14:50-15:10 Incidence angle dependsencies in narrow-swath Quad-polarimetric SAR images. Anca Cristea and Anthony Doulgeris.

Day 2: Tuesday 29 January

Session. SAR Polarimetry and Polln SAR

12:00-12:20 Multidimensional distance geometry analysis for classification of PolSAR images in Arctic scenarios. Andrea Marinoni, Malin Johansson, Martine Espeseth and Camilla Brekke.

Day 4: Thursday 31 January

Session: Application of SAR Polarimetry on Ocean

14:00-14:20 Retrieval of the dielectric properties of oil slick using SAR via a Polarimetric Two-Scale Model.