Torbjørn Eltoft will present some of our on-going research in a faculty lunchseminar.

Date: Thursday 10 November, 11:15-12:00
Venue: Lille Aud, Realfagbygget, UiT

Sign-up for free lunch!


About the event: 

This is the third NT-lunchseminar in a serie of three popular science seminars this autumn. The SFI, Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations has been up and running for a year, and the Centre leader Torbjørn Eltoft will present some of their on-going research.

CIRFA, Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations, is a Centre for Research-based Innovation, which was granted funding from the Research Council of Norway in October 2014. The centre has been in active operation since September 2015, and has already initiated a significant research activity. In this talk, some of the on-going research will be briefly discussed, and new emerging results from the Centre’s first year of operation will be presented.

CIRFA focus on methods and technologies that can reliably detect, monitor, integrate and interpret multi-sensor data describing the physical environment of the Arctic, and efficiently assimilate this information into models to perform predictions of sea ice state, meteorological and oceanographic conditions, on both short and long timescales.

There will be served a “lunch-to-go” and we therefore need you to sign up for the event. Lunch is served 11.15 and the talk starts at 11.30. Register here!

The seminar is open for everybody, welcome!