Journal: Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, p. 6, 2019
International Standard Numbers:
Printed: 0376-6756
Electronic: 2077-7841
Regionally, an ice cover in fjords of mainland Norway may form and break up repeatedly during winter. Due to relatively high water temperatures, the freeze-up process is expected to be related to freshwater-induced stratification in the fjords in conjunction with low air temperatues. In an attempt to identify the variability of water conditions in the fjords leading up to and during ice cover development, a low-cost buoy had been developed to cope with the high potential of loss of equipment during break-up of ice. The current version of the buoy logs GPS coordinates and ocean, ice and air temperature, and transmits data through the cell phone network. Experience from the first season of multiple deployments showed that the concept is working but the physical design of the buoy could be improved to withstand forces in open water.