Where: Sciencepark, Oslo

When: 18-19 September 2019

Registration: open

Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations (CIRFA) is pleased to invite to a thematic workshop Sep 18-19 with focus on modelling.

The objective is twofold:

• Status update on the directions of the research going on in CIRFA with regards to sea ice and ocean modeling, including data assimilation techniques.

• Feedback from industry and stakeholders; their needs and requirements within this topic.

Practical information:

Forskningsparken, Oslo:
Oslotech AS, Gaustadalleen 21, N-0349 Oslo

  • Travel and accommodation costs are covered by the participants.
  • There is no workshop fee for participants
  • Meals included in the programme are provided free of cost
  • We have set aside a number of hotel rooms for participants at Thon Hotel Gyldenløve.
  • The hotel rooms can be reserved via the conference registration form.
  • There will not be sent a separate confirmation from the hotel, as our booking is handled as a group reservation
  • Last cancellation date: 16 August 2019. Cancellations after this date will be charged
  • You will pay for the hotel room in cash or with a credit card when you check in.
  • After the 16 August hotel rooms at at Thon Hotel Gyldenløve can no longer be guaranteed, however please contact us, to check availability if you require one.
