Ocean currents and wind
WP1: Ocean Remote Sensing
The Norwegian coastal area is important for the country`s economy. Ship traffic, fisheries, renewable energy, offshore oil/gas, and public recreation are all activities conducted in the coastal areas. Many users ask for precise predictions of wind, waves and currents in the coastal areas. Algorithms developed by CIRFA and its partners derive ocean surface current and wind information from satellite data.
The ocean surface is the complex boundary between two very dynamic media, the ocean and the atmosphere. Better forecasting of the ocean state and improved understanding of the physical processes at the ocean-atmosphere interface require combined capacity in remote sensing, numerical modelling, and in-situ observations.
This work package develops the use of satellite technology to advance the understanding of the Arctic Ocean processes and dynamics, and contribute to better prediction of polar lows, now-casting, and short-range forecasting of ocean state through coupling with high-resolution numerical models.
Research tasks
Develop physical and statistical methods to improve the reliability of satellite-derived met-ocean parameters
Develop algorithms, products, and a processing system for providing ocean state parameters from satellite observations
Perform independent satellite product calibration and validation analysis
Study the dynamics of polar lows by combining remote sensing and numerical modeling
Support short range forecasting of ocean state with high-resolution numerical models
Team members
Harald Johnsen
Professor and WP1 leader, NORCE