Journal: Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, p. 10, 2023
International Standard Numbers:
Printed: 0376-6756
Electronic: 2077-7841
Since 2017, observations of ice conditions have been made in the northern Norwegian fjord, Beisfjord, to better understand the mechanisms of ice formation and variability in ice
thickness, crystallography, and properties including salinity and δ 18 O. Data from Fall 2017 to Spring 202 0 have previously been presented, here we provide results from Fall 2021 through Spring 2023. Ice formed late November for both the 2021 22 and 2022 23 season but weather conditions, namely the freezing degree days from formation to measurement,
differed significantly , 314 versus 132 ° C days with the latter season being considerably warmer in the first two to three months of ice cover . The ice cores gathered between the two seasons showed similarities including low bulk salinity values, being all below 2 ppt, as well as δ 18 O being consistently below 8‰. Five out of the six cores gathered over the two season also had a considerable layer of both granular and congelation ice. Where samples differ is in their total thickness with the three cores from the first season averaging 25 cm while in the second season cores were slightly thicker, on average 30 cm, despite fewer freezing degree days. Additionally, cores gathered in 2022 23 also showed less variation between the cores gathered. The reasons for these differences are thought to be related to ice extent and snow and oceanic heat.